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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Learn About Freelance Proofreading and Copy Editing Jobs
The terms "copyediting" and "proofreading" have distinct meanings. Copyediting is the revision right after the draft is finished. It includes correcting spelling, formatting, and grammar mistakes, as well as changing awkward sentences, ensuring that ideas flow well, eliminating ineffective portions of text, etc. Copyediting is a very involved, often lengthy process.

By contrast, proofreading is the final look-through before the creator turns in the document for publication, posting, grading, etc. It still involves correcting, formatting and grammar errors, but it does not usually include much sentence or idea restructuring. Proofreading can also include ensuring the creator of the document placed all photos correctly, hyperlinks work, sources are correct, etc.

What is the average pay rate for freelance proofreading/copyediting?

Both copyediting and proofreading can pay very well if you're good at what you do and you have adequate experience. Freelance rates are the same for both types of work, assuming proofreading takes less time than copyediting.

For both freelance jobs, it is common to charge by the hour or by the page. A brand new copyeditor or proofreader shouldn't ask for more than $2/page or $25/hour. Experienced copyeditors and proofreaders may charge up to $15/page or $75/hour or more.

What type of experience do I need to get these jobs? 

Most importantly, you should have excellent grammar and spelling skills. You must have a keen eye for detail. Control freaks and perfectionists make great proofreaders and copyeditors because they don't let one mistake or inconsistency slip by them.

It's helpful if you have a degree in English or education, so clients will assume you have strong language skills. You'll also want to develop a strong portfolio of work that you can show to potential clients.

If you don't have any relevant education or experience, think outside the box. Have you written anything at all? The answer is probably ‘yes.' Put together some of your best work, such as resumes, reports, short stories, etc.

If you don't have any of this, then make some! It's okay for you to make sample documents from scratch – you're just trying to give people an idea of how good of a writer you are.

How can I find freelance proofreading/copyediting jobs?

Many individuals, schools, and businesses need copyeditors and proofreaders. Authors generate manuscripts, companies generate reports and presentations, students generate essays… all can and do use copyeditors and proofreaders.

If you're just getting started, search freelance jobs sites likes Online Writing Jobs and Writing Bids. They've got tons of projects waiting for people to bid on them. On sites like this, price is often a factor for the buyers, so if you're inexperienced and willing to underbid a bit, this is the place for you.

These sites are also good because they help you establish a reputation with buyers. One job could lead to ongoing work with that company or referrals to other businesses.

Once you're more established, get your own website and make sure it's search engine optimized so that customers can find you. A dedicated website implies an additional level of credibility that will help you command higher fees. If you don't have a website, post a free portfolio at Freelance Portfolios.

What's the best way to respond to an ad?

When you come across an ad you like, respond to the needs and concerns of the client. Read this sample ad to see if you can spot what this client is looking for: 

I've written a 200-page book. It's a fiction novel about a boy in Ancient Rome who grows up to be king. The manuscript is ready but I want one last read through before I submit it to publishers. I need mistakes fixed and maybe suggestions for parts that are hard or boring to read. Experienced editors only. 

Okay, this ad asks for an experienced editor. Does that mean you shouldn't bid without a mile-long resume?

It sounds like what the author really wants is someone with an eagle eye to make his manuscript perfect before he sends it out for consideration by publishing houses. If you know you can do it despite a lack of experience, then go ahead and bid.

Emphasize your skills and provide examples of work you did in college or create some new samples. Do your best to include samples that relate to the author's work – in this case, fiction pieces, especially those that are historical in nature. Assure the author that you are more than capable of doing the job, and you'll have yourself a client! 

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